An experiment in trying to replicate the style of Jack Kirby using machine learning models.
Using a Stylegan 2 ADA model trained on Charles Burns Black Hole to generate faces in his style.
An ongoing research project to develop a new framework for data visualisation and collaboration. Bringing together design thinking and collaborative responsive practice to develop experiential creative solutions, bridging the gap between Academia and industry.
In these dynamic settings, the original images undergo a process of digestion, filtered through the participant's body, broken down and transformed into unique creative output as embodied thought. This image of digestion should be understood through the scope of thinking through making and the notion of improvisation with materials. To think through the act of making, ask a short re-examination of the creative process, too often understood as a direct input of thought into matter. In art practices, artefacts are not produced by projecting pre-determined forms but developed through material improvisation. In this perspective, creative outcomes "are generated on the one hand in the flows and transformations of materials and on the other hand in the movement of the imagination and the sensory awareness of the maker…" (Ingold) Thinking and making keep bouncing at each other; ideas are developed in response to the materials and reflected upon. This position of the non-hylomorphic nature of the creative act underlines the unique human capacity to process information through creative embodied experiences (with the prerequisite of a body, as highlighted by the image of digestion). As such, the participants become image-processing devices that generate playful interpretations of the initial data through creative improvisation. - Messua Poulin-Wolff